How To Get Clients For A Cleaning Business: 10 Strategies For 2023

How To Get Clients For A Cleaning Business

Starting a cleaning business can be a fulfilling and profitable venture, but attracting clients can be a challenge. With so many competitors in the market, it’s essential to have a strategy in place to stand out and attract new customers.

In this article, we will explore some proven techniques on how to get clients for a cleaning business. From building a strong online presence to networking and word-of-mouth marketing, we will provide practical tips to help you get more clients and grow your cleaning business.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro or just starting out, these strategies will help you reach new heights and achieve success in the competitive cleaning industry.


How To Get Clients For A Cleaning Business

Here are 10 of the best ways to draw more clients to your business.


Develop a Marketing Plan

Developing a marketing plan is a crucial step in getting clients for your cleaning business. A well-thought-out marketing plan should identify your target audience, set goals, and outline the strategies and tactics you will use to reach those goals. Here are some key elements to include in your marketing plan:

  1. Identify your target audience: Before you can develop a marketing plan, you need to understand who your target customers are. Consider factors such as age, income, location, and lifestyle to define your ideal customer.
  2. Set marketing goals: Determine what you want to achieve through your marketing efforts. This could include increasing brand awareness, boosting website traffic, or generating more leads.
  3. Choose your marketing channels: Decide on the marketing channels that are most effective for reaching your target audience. This could include social media, email marketing, direct mail, or online advertising.
  4. Allocate a budget: Determine how much you can afford to spend on your marketing efforts and allocate your budget accordingly.
  5. Outline your tactics: Specify the specific tactics you will use to reach your marketing goals. This could include creating social media posts, sending email newsletters, or running online ads.
  6. Measure and adjust: Regularly track your marketing efforts to see what’s working and what’s not. Use this information to adjust your plan as needed to ensure you’re on track to reach your goals.

By following these steps, you can develop a comprehensive marketing plan that will help you get clients for your cleaning business. Remember to be flexible and open to change as your business evolves, and adjust your marketing plan as needed to keep up with your goals and the changing market.


Build a Website

Building a website is a crucial step in attracting clients for your cleaning business. A website serves as an online storefront, providing potential customers with information about your business and the services you offer.

If you do not currently have a website, we recommend using Thrive Themes or Elementor to build one. These are user-friendly website builders that offer a range of templates and customization options to help you create a professional-looking website.

Here are some key elements to include in your cleaning business website:

About Us

Provide information about your business, including your mission, values, and the services you offer.


Detail the specific cleaning services you offer, including pricing information and descriptions of each service.


Include testimonials from past clients to showcase your reputation and build trust with potential customers.

Contact Information

Make it easy for potential customers to contact you by providing your business’s contact information, including a phone number, email address, and physical address.

Online Booking

Offer online booking options to make it easy for potential customers to schedule appointments with you.


Consider starting a blog to provide valuable information and establish your business as a trusted source of information.

Remember to keep your website updated and refreshed regularly to ensure it remains relevant and engaging for your target audience.


Use Lead Magnets

Lead magnets are valuable offers, such as a free report, e-book, or webinar, that you give to potential clients in exchange for their contact information. These offers serve as a way to capture leads and build your email list.

By using lead magnets, you can attract potential clients, build trust, and keep them engaged with your cleaning business.

If you’re looking to create lead magnets for your cleaning business, we recommend using a tool like Clickfunnels.

Clickfunnels offers a free trial and a range of templates and customization options to help you build effective lead magnets.

Here are some steps to follow when creating lead magnets for your cleaning business:

Identify Your Target Audience

Determine what your target customers are interested in and what types of offers they would find valuable.

Choose Your Lead Magnet

Decide on the type of lead magnet you want to create, such as a free report or e-book, and choose a topic that is relevant to your target audience.

Create the Lead Magnet

Use a tool like Clickfunnels to create a lead magnet that is visually appealing and easy to understand.

Promote Your Lead Magnet

Share your lead magnet on your website, social media channels, and other marketing materials to attract potential clients.

Follow-up With the Leads

Once potential clients have given you their contact information, use email marketing to follow up with them and keep them engaged with your business.


how to get clients for a cleaning business


Social Media

Social media is a powerful tool for getting clients for your cleaning business. With billions of active users, social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter offer a vast audience for you to reach.

Here are some steps to follow when using social media for your cleaning business:

  1. Choose your platforms: Decide on the social media platforms that are most relevant to your target audience and where you can reach them most effectively.
  2. Define your brand voice: Develop a consistent brand voice that reflects the personality of your business and helps you connect with your target audience.
  3. Create engaging content: Develop a content strategy that includes a mix of promotional and educational content. Share information about your business, your services, and helpful tips related to cleaning.
  4. Interact with your audience: Encourage engagement by responding to comments and messages from your followers. Use social media to build relationships with potential clients.
  5. Use social media advertising: Consider using social media advertising to reach a larger audience and drive traffic to your website.


Online Reviews

Online reviews play a significant role in attracting clients for your cleaning business. With the vast majority of consumers reading online reviews before making a purchase, it’s essential to have a solid reputation online.

To get the most out of online reviews, encourage your satisfied clients to leave reviews on popular platforms such as Google, Facebook, and Yelp. Respond to all reviews, both positive and negative, in a professional and constructive manner.

This shows potential clients that you value their opinions and are committed to providing excellent service. When responding to negative reviews, offer to resolve any issues and provide a solution. This demonstrates your commitment to customer satisfaction and can turn a negative experience into a positive one.

In addition to responding to online reviews, consider setting up a review generation system to make it easy for your clients to leave a review. This could be as simple as including a link in your follow-up email or sending a text message with a link to leave a review.


Customer Referrals

Customer referrals are a highly effective way to attract new clients for your cleaning business. When a satisfied customer refers your business to their friends and family, they are essentially vouching for the quality of your services.

This type of word-of-mouth marketing can be incredibly powerful in attracting new clients, as people are more likely to trust recommendations from those they know and trust.

To encourage customer referrals, it is important to provide excellent service and exceed your clients’ expectations. Make sure that your clients are satisfied with your services and that their needs are met. When a client is happy with your services, they are much more likely to recommend your business to others.

In addition to providing excellent service, consider offering incentives for referrals. For example, you could offer a discount or a gift card for referrals that result in new business. This can help encourage your clients to refer your business to others and can increase the number of referrals you receive.


Offer Coupons and Discounts

Offering coupons and discounts can be an effective way to attract new clients for your cleaning business. Coupons and discounts can incentivize potential clients to try your services, especially if they are looking for a good deal.

To maximize the impact of your coupons and discounts, consider promoting them through social media, your website, or other marketing channels. You can also target potential clients through targeted advertising or direct mail campaigns.

By offering coupons and discounts, you can attract new clients, build brand awareness, and demonstrate the value of your services.

It’s important to note that offering coupons and discounts should be a part of a larger marketing strategy. While coupons and discounts can be an effective way to attract new clients, it’s important to provide high-quality services and build strong relationships with your clients to ensure their continued business.


Networking With Others

Networking with others in your community can be an effective way to attract new clients for your cleaning business. When building relationships with local businesses and organizations, you can increase your visibility and reach potential clients who may be in need of your services.

Networking can also provide opportunities to collaborate with other businesses and organizations, which can lead to referral opportunities and increased exposure for your cleaning business.

There are many different ways to network, including attending local events and business expos, joining business groups and associations, and participating in local chambers of commerce.

You can also network through social media by connecting with other businesses and organizations in your community and participating in online discussions and forums.

When networking, it’s important to be professional, friendly, and approachable. Be prepared to share information about your cleaning business and be open to learning about the needs and interests of others.

Networking can be a great way to build relationships and grow your cleaning business, so be sure to take advantage of opportunities to network in your community.


Online Marketplaces

Listing your services on popular online platforms, is a great way to reach a large audience of potential clients who may be searching for cleaning services in your area. Online marketplaces can also provide valuable opportunities to showcase your services and build your online reputation through customer reviews and ratings.

Some popular online marketplaces for cleaning businesses include Thumbtack, HomeAdvisor, and Angie’s List.

When listing your services on these platforms, it’s important to provide detailed information about your business, including your services, pricing, and availability.

You should also make sure your listings are optimized for search engines by using relevant keywords and phrases that describe your services. In addition to listing your services on online marketplaces, you can also use these platforms to find new clients through targeted advertising.


Insure your Business

Insuring your cleaning business is an important step in protecting your business and ensuring its long-term success. By obtaining insurance coverage, you can safeguard your business against potential risks and liabilities, including property damage, personal injury, and financial losses.

There are a number of different types of insurance coverage that may be relevant for your cleaning business, including general liability insurance, worker’s compensation insurance, and commercial property insurance.

When selecting an insurance policy, it’s important to consider the specific needs of your business, as well as the services you offer and the potential risks and liabilities associated with your operations.

In addition to protecting your business, insurance can also help to build trust and credibility with your clients. Demonstrating that your business is insured allows you to showcase to potential clients your dedication to providing top-notch services and safeguarding their concerns.

Insuring your cleaning business is an important investment in the future of your business. Acquiring appropriate insurance coverage not only shields your business from potential hazards and liabilities but also establishes trust and credibility with clients.

So if you haven’t already, consider obtaining insurance coverage for your cleaning business today.



Starting a cleaning business can be a challenge. But by following the strategies outlined in this article, you can attract more clients and grow your business.

These strategies will help you reach your target audience and achieve success in the competitive cleaning industry. It’s important to be flexible and adjust your plan as needed, and to always measure and track your efforts to ensure you are on track to reach your goals.

Also, building a strong brand image and reputation through quality work and exceptional customer service can also greatly benefit your cleaning business. Keeping up with industry trends and investing in effective marketing techniques can also give you an edge over your competition.

Hopefully this article has taught you how to get clients for a cleaning business.

Remember, continously striving for improvement, your cleaning business has the potential to thrive and become a successful and profitable venture.
